Moss, Mold & Lichen treatment being sprayed on a commercial building in the North Island with a drone

Building Treatments

Drone Spraying Gorse on a Northland Farm


Drone Spraying in a Horticulture Orchard in Northland


drone spraying herbicide on a forestry block





Mahi Drones

Commercial Roof and Building Treatments
Agricultural Spraying Services

Mahi Drones LTD offers exceptional aerial services to many varied industries
 and clients using a large capacity spray and spreading drone.

The applications for these machines continues to grow as more solutions are sought for conventional problems. Some of our core work includes:

  • Commercial Building Roof Treatments

  • School and Sensitive area Roof and Building Treatments

  • Agricultural Spraying and Spreading

  • Horticultural Spraying and Spreading

  • Lifestyle block applications

  • Native plantings and Forestry Operations

  • Lifting and Carrying in difficult locations.

Our 50L liquid tank or 50KG granular hopper make light work of applying products to a vast range of tasks.
Our Industry leading machine uses GPS and RTK accuracy to make sure that applications can be delivered on target and at specific rates to prevent wastage and help reduce costs. Using this technology we can make specific spray plans and maps of your area to be treated and have ‘No fly zones/ No spray zones’ within these maps to allow us to only target the areas you need us too.

drone applying product to crops

Agricultural and Horticultural Drone Services 

Drones are known for their accuracy and more targeted application of either liquids through our 50L spray tank or granules through our 50kg Spreader attachment. We are offer a wide range of services to the Agricultural sector including pest & weed control, Riparian spraying, insect control in crops and more.

Whether you are wanting to broad acre spread fertiliser across your orchard, target tree rows from the air or perhaps you need a foliar feed applied to your crop our Drone could be the ideal solution. We are from an Agricultural background and now own and operate an Avocado Orchard in Northland so are well in touch with the industry.





drone flying over a commercial building

Commercial Roof Spraying

The best way to get the longevity from your roof is to maintain it! We spray Moss, Mould & Lichen treatments to roofs and surfaces to keep them looking sharp. We are also able to take a video inspection of the roof for your records so you can highlight any areas of concern and keep an accurate record of your roof's condition.

Our simple treatments are quick to apply and effective. There is no need for scaffold or any working at heights. We will work with your business to find a time that causes the least amount of disruption to your operation meaning there will likely be no down time or inconvinence.

We often start early in the morning and may well be completed before your team arrive to work. Our operation is quiet and unintrusive.

Our  high precsion accuracy means that we get an even and consitent covereage over the entire surface, low water application rates aid in helping to conserve water.

We service a wide ranges of buildings including; Large Commercial Buildings, Polyhouse & Glasshouses, Agricultural Sheds & Herd homes, Schools and other more sensitive areas.


By using our drone to treat your roof you ensure no footfalls on the structure protecting it from unintentional damage.

No more hoses dragging over roofs and gutters or loud and annoying equipment running all day, we will be in and out and hassle free.

We take care of all the orgainising and worrying about the weather and will schedule a time that suits all parties.




Proudly Partnered With


Mahi Drones